Okay, I have to ask.

Have you ever..

✅ Felt “stuck” in life, or wondering how you got here?

✅ Had no idea what you like, how you feel, or what your needs are?

✅ Experienced disproportionate reactions to minor annoyances or discomfort with having feelings different from others?

Struggled with saying "no," felt the need to control situations or people, or made impulsive relationship choices?

✅ Participated in 12-Step Programs or therapy but sensed there might be unresolved issues lingering beneath the surface that you can’t quite access?

Well, you’re in the right place.

Hi, I’m Alejandra.

I help people unravel from the chronic grief and shame that stem from family dysfunction and adverse childhood experiences. By integrating several different evidence-based methods, I help my clients forge their own path toward healing, wholeness, and the life they envision for themselves.

I am no stranger to family dysfunction and chaos. I grew up in a home where it was very unclear who was on my side, there were no functional relationships, and I was not prepared for the future. Fast forward to adulthood, and I was constantly preoccupied by thoughts that people hated me, I couldn’t have a functional relationship to save my life, and I was still definitely still not prepared for my future.

I was obsessed with relationship and self-help content on social media, I kept looking for someone to give me direction and tell me what to do, I checked alllll the horoscope apps in hopes something would give me SOME SIGN that it would all turn around for me. I didn’t recognize myself or my life anymore.

I was at the end of my rope. I hit what we refer to as “an emotional bottom,” and thought, “this sh*t has got to stop.” I finally got sick of the way I felt, took accountability for my life and went into action.

And if I can do it, so can you.

  • “Alejandra has truly rescued me from the insanity of my own thinking on a number of occasions. I highly recommend working with her if an internal transformation is what you are seeking.”

    Natalie M. Atlanta, GA


  • If you're ready to take active steps toward making a change, this is for you.

    Maybe you've experienced loss, you have some unresolved grief, or you feel emotionally incomplete in one or some of your relationships (things you wish you would've said but never got the chance to, things you hoped you made them feel, wishing things had turned out differently, that have gone uncommunicated). Together, we can pursue resolution.

    I also love working with people who are at any stage of their recovery. Maybe you're trapped in a cycle you can't break, knowing you need change but terrified to take that first step into a meeting. Or perhaps you're already in recovery, faithfully attending meetings, maybe even working with a sponsor, but still feeling... stuck. Like there's a missing piece, a deeper issue you just can't seem to reach.

    That nagging feeling? It's your inner wisdom telling you there's more to uncover.

    Together, we'll shine a light on those dark corners you've been afraid to explore, unlocking new levels of freedom and peace in your recovery.

  • There are some key distinguishers that I want you to know:

    I do not diagnose or treat mental health issues, but work to support your overall wellbeing and journey. My services do not constitute therapy or mental health treatment and should not be considered a substitute for professional psychological care, though they can be used as a complement.

    I believe most people don't need diagnosis. I believe many hurting people didn't learn the most helpful skills in childhood, or are still holding onto painful or confusing experiences from the past. We work together to take simple actions to help release the grip of family dysfunction.

    Therapists require specific licenses and are regulated by the State. Coaching is not a regulated field, so it's important to look for a Coach who has a publicly accessible Standards of Practice, so you can ensure your values are in alignment. Read mine here.

    Therapists maintain a more neutral stance, and are discouraged from sharing too much of their personal journey. As your guide, I'm here to walk alongside you on your journey of self-discovery, teaching you skills that worked for me. Our relationship is built on collaboration and shared experiences – there’s no power dynamic or judgement here!

  • It’s possible that I’m not so different. What sets me apart might simply be that you see yourself in my story. If that gives you hope that there’s another way to live—one that isn’t based on deprivation, shame, or fear—then that’s enough.

    One definition of recovery is "the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost." Whether your struggle is with addiction, relationships, or chaotic patterns, I believe the root is often the same: at some point, you learned to feel ashamed of who you are. You internalized the belief that you’re flawed and defective. These traumatic imprints, big or small, have shaped your life, leading to outdated coping mechanisms that no longer serve you. Recovery, to me, is about "getting back" parts of yourself that have been lost over time.

    My coaching is different in that it’s action-oriented and goal-focused. We won’t just talk about your feelings or dwell on past experiences. Instead, we’ll take tangible steps to resolve the belief systems holding you back, helping you to reclaim your true self.